Mexican politicians take show on road — in U.S. - For first time, Mexicans living here will be able to vote without returning home

By Associated Press, Houston Chronicle, December 1, 2005

Lawmakers from Mexico's governing party are trying to capture the interest of potential voters living in the United States by embarking on a tour through four American states.

Millions of voters living in the U.S. could help sway the 2006 Mexican presidential election, and the lawmakers are hoping to capitalize on that in the tour beginning today in Dallas....

Mexico's National Action Party faces a challenge to stay in power...

Legislators from the party will visit California, Illinois, Texas and New York in December, making themselves available to Mexican immigrants, organizations and Spanish media....

Overall, some 11 million Mexicans live abroad, most in the United States. About 4 million are believed to be registered voters, government officials estimate.

...Mexican lawmakers have approved the country's first absentee ballot plan. Voters must send absentee ballot request forms by Jan. 15

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